
Here you can view screenshots of the PhysicianXpress system. Please select a category from the right side of the page to view the screenshots.


Billing Home

Billing Home

The Billing Home page provides the biller/practice manager a summary as well as access to Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA), messages/tasks, Explanation of Benefits (EOB), patient insurance alerts, and invoices/paper as well as other functions (links to billing dashboard, list of invoices, accounts receivable, etc.).

Financial Dashboard

The Financial Dashboard shows a bird’s-eye view of your practice’s general cash flow. It gives you a strong idea of how many visits have not been fully collected upon, and how much money your practice should be tracking down, all in one central, easy-to-use report. You can even view further details for each month down to a list of exact visits and CPT codes that have not been paid yet.

Financial Dashboard

Flash Report

Flash Report

The Flash Report provides the practice manager performance information about the practice. This includes the time to receive payment on claims due, payment distribution of paid claims, expected payment distribution of outstanding claims, distribution of visits (e.g. well vs. sick), provider vacancy information (How much of the provider’s schedule is not filled), and sick coding distribution. The Flash Report assists the practice manager in decisions related to: “When do we add another provider?”, “Is there an issue with coding?”, “Who are the most busy providers?”, “What is the revenue by provider and/or by office?”, “How does our collection rate benchmark against our goals?”

Financial Breakdown Report

The Financial Breakdown Report shows your practice’s cash flow separated into four different categories which is an indispensable tool in understanding your practice’s general financial standing and separating valuable work processes from actions that waste time and money.

Financial Breakdown Report

Billing Dashboard

Billing Dashboard

The biller/practice manager can access the billing dashboard to view the collection rate by month from the insurance company and patients. The dashboard allows the user to view the details of the outstanding claims via the links on the report. The dashboard displays the month, year, number of visits for which collection needed from insurance company, number of visits for which there is a patient amount due (outside of a co-pay), the number of claims paid, the number of claims still remaining, the billed amount still remaining and the percentage paid. This is the ‘home page’ for the billing to quickly identify which charges need follow-ups with the insurance company and patient.

Patient Billing Chart

The patient billing chart displays a summary of information on the patient for billing. This includes the current insurance plan, comments, outstanding visits, a list of visits to the practice and other family members. The current insurance plan displays the name of the plan, the ID number, the Group name, the group number, co-pays for sick (S) and well (W) visits, the effective date of the insurance, if the patient is capitated (HMO insurance), the guarantor name, address, date of birth and telephone number.

Patient Billing Chart

Billing Visit Review

Billing Visit Review

The biller/practice manager can access the detailed billing information for a particular patient via the patient visit billing screen. This screen displays the date of service, location of visit, name of provider, type of visit, insurance company, CPT codes, billed amount, adjusted amount per insurance company contract, insurance paid, patient paid, amount due by patient and any comments.

EOB Entry

The biller/practice manager can access the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) entry screen to enter new EOBs received from insurance companies via the mail. The biller would identify the patient associated with the EOB and enter adjusted amount based on the contract allowance from the insurance company, the amount paid by the insurance, select the “Cap” box if the patient is a capitated patient (patient has HMO insurance), and enter any comments. The PhysicianXpress™ calculates the amount due, if any, to bill the patient. If there is an amount due by patient, the biller can either use the presets that provided reasons from the patient being billed or enter their own comment.

EOB Entry

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